Safety Products


MSA PremAire® Cadet Escape Supplied Air Respirator With Medium Rubber Advantage® 4000 Facepiece, Net Head Harness, 10 Minute Aluminum Cylinder, Hansen Fittings And Nylon Strap Carrier

$79.15 $67.28


MSA PremAire® Cadet Escape Supplied Air Respirator delivers respirable air to the user on demand and maintains a slight positive pressure of air inside the facepiece. Escape respirator includes net head harness, 10 minute aluminum cylinder with hansen fittings, nylon strap carrier and is perfect to use in construction, spray painting, welding, oil & gas extraction. It is approved to use with an operating inlet pressure of 60 – 100 psig. It has a first-stage regulator, cylinder valve within one assembly, creating a very small size and profile that is less likely to snag when working in tight places.


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