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Establish An Ergonomic Process
In order for our clients to deploy a successful ergonomic process within their companies, the process developed must be sustainable, business driven, cost effective and OSHA compliant. When implemented properly, this will help to improve overall employee comfort, productivity, and morale levels while also reducing injuries, sick days, lost work time and Workers’ Compensation Claims. To accomplish this ergonomic process objective, four critical and important elements are required to launch effectively.
The Elements of the Ergonomic Process
1. The ergonomic process must be driven by risk identification, reduction strategies and management support. Once risk factors known to contribute to injury and illness are identified, the company must adopt a proactive approach to ergonomics by addressing these risks early and effectively. Waiting to respond only to actual injury and illness incidents will be costly. Responding to identified risks in a preventative action oriented manner will result in improved performance and employee attitudes.
2. An effective ergonomic process must allow for quick implementation of known solutions to correct identified risks. This is accomplished by revising and adjusting routines/activities and physical reconfiguration of workstations. The “not invented here” attitude will cause real damage to solving preventable costly incidents. The proactive approach is required by the company.
3. Ergonomics must be positioned to management as an opportunity to improve business performance through better management of the company’s “human assets.” This element is important to identify the cost reduction impact on the company’s profitability through implementation of these improvements based on a healthy work force and improved productivity.
4. Launching an effective ergonomic process requires the “buy in” of all levels of the corporate organization from top management, middle management, line supervision and direct /indirect employees. Ergonomics cannot be successful without the full commitment, participation, support and cooperation of the entire organization. With this approach, ergonomic risks are identified early in the process and actions can be taken to control existing or future employee exposure to these risks.
Professional Ergonomic Consulting
ErgoSpec specializes in ergonomic consulting services by developing an effective process utilizing the following techniques:

This is the most basic form of assessment. Many ergonomic risks can be easily identified and solutions implemented at the supervisory and employee levels using observation tools.

Basic ergonomic awareness training for employees can help utilize the employee’s knowledge to identify risks and recommend action suggestions. This approach usually results in quick fixes or changes at minimal costs and efforts while improving employee attitude and loyalty.

Analysis Assessment
Certain ergonomic risk assessments require more detailed analysis to resolve or determine solutions. This analytical technique will usually require a higher level of knowledge such as highly trained employees, engineers or facility supervision to complete an analysis which identifies and prioritizes ergonomic risk, as well as the recommendation of alternative job improvements.

Advanced Strategies
For situations involving a high degree of ergonomic risk and possible capital investments to be solved, an in-depth professional analysis may be required to develop solutions. These may require advanced operational strategies to determine possible product design changes, production equipment enhancements or modifications or major revisions to production process standards.
Featured Client Case Studies
Ecolab Corporation
ErgoSpec conducted an extensive industrial ergonomic study & analysis of both their manufacturing plant and product distribution center.
Uber Technologies
Performed ergonomic evaluations in their office and call center facilities on numerous employees who are intensive computer
Abbott Laboratories
Implemented office ergonomic evaluations and laboratory
reviews & audits in multiple locations
Nalco Chemicals
Comprehensive assessment and examination of the entire customer delivery specialist fleet division.
Companies We’ve Worked With

Ergonomic Consulting For All Your Business Needs
Ergospec has been working since 1991 to deploy a successful ergonomic consulting program for their clients throughout the United States.
Contact Us
When you utilize ergonomic consulting for your business, you are taking the first step toward a happier, safer, and more productive workforce. The goal of ergonomic consulting is to help you understand ergonomic risk and what to do to mitigate those risks. The first step in this process is observation. Observing your workforce as they interact with each other and their environment and while completing everyday tasks is the simplest aspect of ergonomic consulting. By using observation tools, we pinpoint the risk factors and start to come up with sustainable solutions for your company.
Several types of specific risk factors exist in most work environments. When you utilize ergonomic consulting services, you can expect a detailed analysis of those risk factors, the primary causes of those risks, and what the potential outcomes might be if nothing is done. For example, a work environment could make workers more likely to sustain certain types of injuries or to contract a certain kind of illness. The principle behind ergonomic consulting is prevention. Preventing injuries and illnesses from occurring in the first place, rather than waiting until a costly incident takes place, will demonstrate to your workforce that you care about their wellbeing and will help you save money on implementing solutions after the fact.
When your employees see that you are utilizing ergonomic consulting to take steps to make their work environment safer, you will see a boost in employee moral. Moreover, the primary purpose of ergonomic consulting is to identify risks and then implement a process for mitigating those risks. Once the ergonomic solutions are in place, the result should be safer, healthier, and more comfortable workers, and a happy, healthy workforce will be better equipped to do their jobs well and to be more productive. Boosting productivity leads to improved profitability.
The most important aspect of ergonomic consulting is results. An ergonomic consultant should be able to show you the results achieved for previous clients. Additionally, find out more about their tools and systems for analysis assessment. A crucial step to go from risk identification or solution implementation is analysis assessment. In this stage of the process, ergonomic consulting focuses on detailed analysis and analytical techniques, and usually, more high level experts are a part of the process. There experts can include occupational therapists, who are trained to identify the physical and psychological effects of the environment on the workers, and engineers, who have the ability and knowledge to design effective solutions for your workforce. With a team of qualified experts, ergonomic consulting will optimize your workplace and the productivity of your workforce.
Musculoskeletal disorders can severely affect several important aspects of your body’s systems. Workers who are at risk of developing these types of disorders can see adverse effects to their ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. Workers who are the most at risk for developing these types of issues are those who must lift, strain, push, pull, reach, or bend on a regular basis, as well as workers who complete repetitive tasks for long periods of time or who work in awkward positions for much of the day. As you can tell, these risk factors affect a large majority of the modern workforce. The identification and risk factors for and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in your workforce is one of the reasons why ergonomic consulting is so important. Ergonomic consulting will help you implement systems and processes to prevent these serious injuries from happening to your workers.
During the training process, your employees will be taught to see and avoid the identified risk factors and are trained on any new systems, processes, or equipment. During this stage of ergonomic consulting, employees are welcome to share their own ideas. Cost-effective and simple solutions often come from the workers themselves who work in the environment every day. Plus, employees are more likely to stick to a plan that they helped create.
Advanced strategies go above and beyond getting ideas from workers. These may include significant investments from the company, advanced operational strategies, or major revisions to process standards. While most companies will not need to utilize advanced strategies, it is helpful to know that through ergonomic consulting, these services are available if and when you need them.